Sunday, June 6, 2010

Helen Thomas Should Retire

"Jews should get the hell out of Palestine and go back home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else."  Those were the words of Helen Thomas, the 89-year-old Hearst newspaper icon and White House press corps icon.

I have a few words for Helen:  "It's time for you to retire, and though you apologized, your attitude is indicative of the elite press corps."

Israel deserves the support of the United States and the majority of Americans understand the plight of the Jewish people who live under constant threat of terrorism from their neighbors.  Whether it be Iran, the former leadership in Iraq, Hamas, the Taliban or even Al-Qaeda, the Jewish people in Israel have had to fight off the hordes of malcontents throughout history and commentary such as that of Thomas does nothing but feed the fire of terrorism in the Middle East.

One would think that Thomas would remember the horrors of the Nazi regime, the death camps, the mass graves, the attempted genocide.  Unfortunately, her insensitivity and deplorable comments proves that we need real leadership to stand up to tyranny, to terrorism and to confront those who make such outlandish statements against Israel.  The president has embraced Thomas and has heretofore left our Israeli allies wondering just where we stand.

I believe in free speech.  I believe Thomas has every right to say whatever she feels whenever she feels.  But I also believe that those of us who understand the importance of our relationship with Israel should band together and condemn Thomas for her ludicrous comments.

There should be no question whatsoever that this great country supports Israel.  Period.  I have always supported Israel and I make these statements as a former Navy SEAL Officer who served in Desert Storm, not as someone who is looking for a job in our nation's capitol.  I speak as someone with a long history of leadership in the private sector as well as in the world's most elite military organization - the Navy SEALs.  I've seen some of the worst of the worst and Thomas' comments should be condemned by every member of Congress as well as the president himself.