Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Senator Coburn's Fight Against Pork

Senator Coburn has been labeled "Dr. No" in Washington and it is for good reason.  He, like many Americans, believes that government spending is ridiculously out of control.

Senator Tom Coburn and Senator John McCain have proposed government cuts to help pay for our war efforts.  This from RTT News:

Senators Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and John McCain, R-Ariz., unveiled two amendments Tuesday to pay for the supplemental spending bill that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One of the amendments saves taxpayers $60.3 billion by cutting the budgets of members of Congress, disposing of excess and unused government property, auctioning and selling unused and unneeded equipment, and rescinding unspent and uncommitted federal funds.  The second amendment saves $59.6 billion by freezing raises, bonuses and salary increases for federal employees for one year, collecting unpaid taxes from federal employees, reducing excessive duplication, overhead and spending within the federal government, and eliminating non-essential government travel.

Read the story here.

When you elect me to Congress for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District, you'll find that Senator Coburn has a new friend in the House of Representatives.  I support our troops and their efforts should be fully funded and government as a whole has to tighten its belt to pay for our support for the troops.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Issues: Capital Punishment

I believe there are some crimes that are so heinous that they deserve capital punishment. Our government should have the ability to impose the death penalty in cases where it is justified.

Dave Forms New Oklahoma LLC

I am the proud owner of an Oklahoma business - Game Plan Paper, LLC. Plan the dive. Dive the plan. Where winning coaches, executives, and business owners go for laminated, foldable reference guide supplies.

Why am I sending you this? Because as a competitor myself I know that having a plan, then executing that plan is critical to the success of your mission – and by success I mean VICTORY!

As a former Navy SEAL we had a saying, “Plan your dive, dive your plan.” The problem was, the plan got wet 99% of the time. We would laminate our plans, but then, they would not fold. So we would crush the darn thing down and shove it into our wetsuit and off we would go.

After departing the Navy in 1992, during our last big recession, I found it extremely difficult to find a job, so, as a budding entrepreneur, I created my own.
I took an idea that would allow... laminated paper to fold up perfectly flat by die cutting the paper out at the folds, patented it, and began making a living laminating road maps and reference guides by the millions. Until now there was no cost effective way to do just a few. Game Plan Paper solves that problem!

Issues: Card Check

I firmly oppose card check. An employee’s decision to support or oppose unionization should be made with a private-ballot. Private ballots are a basic American right and if card check were to become law, employees would lack the ability to vote by a concealed ballot, which would open the door to bullying and other forceful tactics.

Additionally, the binding arbitration provision, which requires a government board to come in and set wages and benefits and what normally would be contract terms if an employer and newly recognized union do not reach a first contract within 120 days, serves as a disincentive for unions to bargain in good faith. It is simply not the role of government to force companies to allow the federal government to dictate terms of employment for small businesses.

Issues: Earmarks

I support adopting a moratorium on earmark requests until the process can be reformed. While I support the ability of Members of Congress to target federal funding to high-need projects in their districts, the earmarking process has become symbolic of the out-of-control spending in Washington. I look forward to reforming this process to hold Congress accountable for its spending initiatives and ensure Oklahomans’ hard earned taxpayer dollars are used wisely and frugally.

Members of Congress have a responsibility to be good stewards of the American tax dollar and when you send me to Washington, you'll have a Congressman who believes in good stewardship.  I lead by example - I have no debt myself.  If I can do it, so can our federal government.

The accountability and visibility of earmarking is essential, but the projects earmarked have far too often been regarded has wasteful spending.

Issues: Immigration

Immigration reform at the federal level is long overdue. While Washington drags its heels, states like Oklahoma are forced to adopt a patchwork of immigration laws that add to the chaos of a system already broken. For the sake of both our national and economic security, Congress should act quickly to adopt common sense solutions to close our porous borders. We cannot claim this country is safe nor can we protect American workers and taxpayers when we do not know who is here and whether or not they are working legally.

I support the creation of an employer e-verification system to confirm the legal status of employees. This will enable us to successfully control the flow of immigrants into the U.S. and discourage employers from hiring workers who have come here illegally.

We should ensure that the rule of law always prevails and those who have broken our laws intentionally are not rewarded with amnesty. Additionally, special privileges, like in-state tuition, should not be offered to those living in this country illegally nor should it be allowed for the children of these illegal immigrants.

The operative word here is "illegal."  Other candidates for Congress talk about their stand on illegal immigration when history shows that they themselves have been responsible for part of the problem and have saddled taxpayers with the additional financial burden therein. 

I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.  My resume', my positions don't change with the flow of the political and emotional tide as measured by polling numbers.  It requires leadership to accomplish real immigration reform and my friends, I am that leader.

Issues: Taxes

I will author legislation to reduce the tax burden on American families and businesses. During these difficult economic times, Oklahomans deserve to keep as much of their own hard earned money in their pocket. By doing so, they will have opportunities to send a child to college, purchase a new home or hire new employees for a family run small business. Oklahoma is made up of approximately 325,000 small businesses.

I am committed to lessening the tax burden on small businesses in an effort to create jobs and produce positive economic growth.

Our nation will recover from the current economic slowdown and a key component to that recovery is lower taxes and greater individual freedom.

Issues: The Environment

I believe that everyone wants a clean environment and this should really be a non-partisan issue. Environmental policy should reasonably balance our desire for a clean, healthy environment with the needs of the business community to provide jobs for Oklahomans.

I believe in conservation. Conserving our state’s resources will enable future generations to benefit from the beauty of Oklahoma for years to come.

The strength of the America is its people and the beauty of America is its national parks. Following the model of Teddy Roosevelt, I will support efforts to preserve and conserve our national resources and treasures.

Issues: Capital Punishment

I believe there are some crimes that are so heinous that they deserve capital punishment. Our government should have the ability to impose the death penalty in cases where it is justified.

Issues: Defending Life & Marriage

I am unequivocally pro-life and pro-marriage. I believe life begins at conception and that every child, born or unborn, has an inalienable right to that life. My goal is to help eliminate the tragedy of abortion, to encourage alternatives like adoption and to foster a culture that respects the most vulnerable among us.

In Congress, I will be a member of the Pro Life Caucus and the Values Action Team to limit abortion and remove funding for foreign organizations that promote abortion as a means of family planning. I will consistently oppose the use of taxpayer money to fund abortion either here or abroad, and I will shine a light on the horrible practice of forced abortion in foreign countries like China.

With regard to stem cell research, the destruction of human life, even in the name of some “greater good”, is absolutely unacceptable. I champion the efforts of Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) to concentrate on pluripotent stem cell research which utilizes embryonic-like adult stem cells.

I am pro-marriage and support protecting marriage from those who seek to redefine it to suit a narrow political agenda. I know that defending marriage, and ensuring its survival as the fundamental building block of society, is a critical task.

Issues: Gun Rights

The Second Amendment guarantees law abiding Americans the right to bear arms. To deny this right would be to strip us of one of our most basic freedoms. I will never support any legislation that abridges the right to bear arms.

I support the Heller decision by the Supreme Court and believe that the work of the NRA and Gun Owners of America to ensure states and municipalities are in compliance is a necessary and laudable work.

Issues: Energy Policy

Developing a comprehensive, long term strategy, with particular emphasis on resources abundant in Oklahoma—oil, natural gas, and wind—for weaning America off foreign oil is a matter of both national security and economic security. As long as foreign oil regimes control the spigots to the world’s energy supplies, both our economy and our foreign policy are subject to external forces over which we have little control.

I support a solution that employs virtually all means at our disposal to produce more energy at home while encouraging conservation. This solution was laid out in the American Energy Act, a set of comprehensive energy proposals in Congress.

To provide an immediate and viable source of domestic energy, the American Energy Act eliminates onerous restrictions on oil and gas production in the U.S., allowing us to dramatically increase our production of fossil fuels at home. The United States has a tremendous amount of fossil fuel resources that can be extracted in a way that is environmentally sound. Increasing production of these resources will boost the American economy by helping to control gasoline prices, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs and bolstering our national security by lessening our dependence on foreign oil.

In the long term, it is essential the federal government continues to provide incentives for research into and production of alternative energy sources like solar, wind and nuclear power as well as biofuels. American business is the greatest source of innovation and technological advancement in the world; by supporting private enterprise as it invests in alternative energy, the American Energy Act seeks to harness that power for the public good.

Oklahoma stands on the front line of the struggle for energy independence. We have long been an American powerhouse for traditional forms of energy like oil and natural gas. Now, as the U.S. seeks out alternative energy sources, Oklahoma has enormous potential as a source of wind power, solar power, and the production of biofuels. By making a serious commitment to the long term energy interests of this country, Oklahoma can pass on its rich history of energy production to future generations.

Issues: Border Security

America’s security from foreigners seeking to do it harm is a nonpartisan issue—Americans want and Americans are entitled to security, the bedrock function of any government. I support the creation of physical barriers like walls and fences on our Northern and Southern borders; the addition of thousands of new Border Patrol agents; and the use of advanced technologies like aerial surveillance at our borders. Without secure borders, many of the freedoms and liberties guaranteed to us are meaningless.

Issues: Veterans

As a Navy SEAL and graduate of the United States Naval Academy, I am uniquely aware of the importance and sacrifice our men and women serving in the military make every day. The men and women serving in our Armed Forces are heroes, and it is the responsibility of the federal government to repay their service and sacrifice with an active and effective support system, medical care and other benefits. I am a vigorous supporter of legislation providing benefits to returning service members and the families of those killed in action.

We need to recognize the sacrifice of all of our service members by keeping better track of returning military personnel so they get the services they deserve. This includes providing them with first-class medical care and other benefits to which they are entitled.

We are free because of our veterans, not because of bureaucrats and politicians.

Issues: Health Care

I believe that all Americans deserve health care coverage, but I strongly oppose the health care plan passed by Congress. This healthcare plan marches us toward even bigger government. It narrows, rather than expands, individual choice in the marketplace.

Health care reform should be about increasing choice and reducing costs, not increasing government control over our health care decisions. I support strengthening the existing private market system with policies that will drive down costs and make it easier for people to purchase affordable insurance.

I oppose efforts by the federal government to come between doctors and their patients. I support health savings accounts, tort reform, and allowing consumers to buy health insurance across state lines. We have the greatest health care system in the world and we must prevent Washington bureaucrats from destroying it.

Issues: Deficit Reduction & the National Debt

 At 1.3 trillion dollars and climbing, our current annual federal budget deficit is proof that we cannot borrow our way out of debt, and we cannot spend our way to prosperity. We simply cannot continue to allow our federal government to borrow, spend and bailout entire industries at the expense of future generations of Oklahomans. Our national debt is already over 13 trillion dollars.

I believe that government can have a role in our economic recovery, but it needs to be limited and effective. Our vast and intrusive federal government is now growing well beyond the powers delegated to it in the Constitution and this centralized power is a direct threat to our personal liberties.

While we are right to be concerned about the international threats posed by rogue nations and terrorists, there is perhaps no greater danger to the security of our nation than our national debt. Yet today’s politicians continue to spend freely, placing immoral debt onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.

I will work hard to be a conservative steward of your tax dollars, fighting against increases in taxes, spending, and debt. This debt is a drain on our economy and our potential for growth. It must be dealt with quickly by producing real balanced budgets. We know that we can grow our economy and produce jobs through positive stimulation like tax cuts. And a balanced budget and economic growth will pay off our debt long before our children and grandchildren have to pay the cost.

Issues: Medicare

Medicare is a promise we make to our seniors. In Washington, I’ll make sure our lawmakers keep that promise. My job as your representative is to strengthen the current Medicare system, not weaken it.

I also support reforms that will make Medicare dollars go farther. By pursuing tort reform and limiting frivolous lawsuits, the federal government can drive down the cost of health care and increase the quality and availability of medical services for all Americans. I will continue to work with Members of Congress to reform a legal system that chooses to support the interests of trial lawyers over those of doctors and their patients.

Issues: Education

The most important thing we can do to ensure successful and happy lives for our children is to invest in their education today. Every American child deserves the benefits of a good education, good teachers and a safe and productive school environment. The federal government should work hand in hand with parents to guarantee our children receive nothing less. Too many teenagers suffer from poor teachers, unaccountable administrators and a status quo that encourages mediocrity.

It is important to remember that education is a partnership between the federal and local government, teachers and, most importantly, parents. I am committed to supporting education policies that will fully fund our schools, encourage qualified young people to teach and ensure that our local schools are accountable for the performance of their students. Until we can eliminate the federal government's reign over our education system (which I support), we have to begin to wean our state educational infrastructure and that will not be an easy task.  It requires real leadership and I am willing to take that post.

As a father of six children, I understand that no amount of taxpayer dollars can or should substitute for a parent reading to his or her child, a home environment that encourages studying, and a respect for academic achievement that only a parent can instill. We should never forget the most important figures in every child’s life are his or her parents.

Issues: Social Security

Seniors have worked all their lives to build communities, raise their families and make our nation strong. They deserve to receive the retirement benefits they worked so hard to earn. In Congress, I will continue to make sure the federal government keeps its commitments to our seniors. 

Issues: The Middle East

Israel has made enormous sacrifices in an attempt to secure peace, including unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. I support a two-state solution that reaffirms Israel’s right to exist and provides the Palestinians with a place of their own where both sides can live in peace and security. As our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel lives every day under the threat of terror yet shares with America a dedication to democratic ideals, a respect for faith and a commitment to peace in the region. Until a lasting peace is achieved, I support the security barrier erected by Israel which has proven successful in protecting Israeli civilians from terrorist attacks .

I support sanctions on Iran and believe that until Ahmadinejad gives up his nuclear ambitions, he should be isolated from the rest of the world. With its reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons, Iran represents the biggest threat to Israel. Ahmadinejad is a Holocaust denier who has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Meeting with him confers legitimacy when the only correct response is to treat him as an outcast.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, prompted an immediate and justified American response that removed the Taliban-backed regime in Afghanistan. American forces toppled the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, ultimately allowing free elections in that troubled nation. I support both of these actions and the surge of forces into Iraq that has essentially ended the long stalemate there and brought us to the point of victory. American forces will remain in Iraq for some time, acting more and more in advisory and support roles. I oppose any effort to force an early withdrawal by de-funding our troops and the war effort.

With a new emphasis on securing Afghanistan, a resurgent Taliban there must be confronted and defeated. I believe in one basic principle involving the use of military force—once we have decided that military action is necessary for the security of the United States, we must commit the manpower and resources necessary to win and give our fighting men and women our full support.

Issues: Terrorism & Foreign Policy

Terrorism is a reality.  We have experienced it right here on American soil and no one alive today will forget the devastation and sheer horror of what took place on 9/11.  Homeland security and national defense are priorities for me. I understand the value of using America’s “soft power” to defend our interests around the world, but we cannot base our foreign policy on being loved and accepted abroad. There are people in the world who are at war with us and our way of life, and if we are going to defend our freedom, it is a fact of life that we will always have enemies. We must stay on the offensive against those who have killed Americans here and abroad and those who continue to plan to attack us again.

I support our military men and women as they provide for a strong national defense, but a strong national defense is only as good as the resources given to make it successful. I will fight to give the men and women in uniform the proper resources, equipment and training needed to defend our nation both home and abroad.

As a Navy SEAL, I have seen first-hand the importance of our fight against terrorism.  Foreign policy is tied to our energy policy which is tied to our economic policy - and we have career politicians to thank for our inability to remain independent from foreign energy cartels such as OPEC.  We need real leadership with real won't find anyone more experienced in fighting terrorism than a Navy SEAL officer.

Issues: Jobs

The most important issue facing our state and our nation is jobs. Job creation is critical to Oklahoma and the nation as we climb out of the economic recession. Government alone cannot cure our economic challenges. The entrepreneurial spirit of American business owners, and particularly small business owners, must provide the hope for our economic future.

As a small business owner, I believe in the entrepreneurial spirit of America. I will work to create incentives for businesses through tax cuts, increased access to capital and free market approaches. Reasonable economic incentives that liberate American business from burdensome government regulation enable companies and small businesses to grow. I will work to expand opportunities for new and existing businesses.

Making these changes, creating the environments of business productivity must be done by a proven leader who understands how to accomplish this task.  Talking about it in the abstract will solve nothing.  You need proven, experienced, conservative leadership to bring real change for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.  I am that leader.

Issues: The Economy

I support a responsible and immediate economic stimulus plan for every American family and business. This should come in the form of tax relief and tax cuts, the easiest and most effective way to stimulate the economy.

We can start with a permanent 5% decrease in every income tax bracket, as well as a permanent reduction of the corporate income tax from 35%— the second highest rate in the world—to 25%. Economic growth needs to come from the ground up, starting with working families and businesses. History has shown that the best way to encourage that growth is to leave more money in the pockets of the American people.

The federal government cannot borrow and spend the American economy out of a recession, and any attempt to do so will simply saddle future generations with a mountain of debt. Tax cuts provide proven results and are supported by both liberals and conservatives in Congress.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A new way to communicate

Welcome to my blog. Here, you'll find more of my positions, my policies, my desires and my goals as a candidate for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.