Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where did the summer go?

Yes, I know that most of my posts here on this blog are about political, economic issues, but today, I wanted to talk a little with you about an "a-ha" moments that smacked me in the head.

During the campaign, the kids are always involved in one capacity or another and we spend a lot of time together during the summer.  Then it hit me that soon, school starts and I won't have them so close all the time.

And the commercials for back-to-school sales are beginning.  It marks the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year.  Exciting, but sad at the same time.

Academics are important in my home and my kids know this.  My wife, Lisa, and I do our best to make academics fun and entertaining but we have pretty high standards.  It wasn't easy getting into the Naval Academy and my kids understand the importance of an education.  But they also know that I cherish every moment we spend together doing "fun stuff" like going to the water park, seeing a movie, or playing basketball in the driveway.

You probably already know this, but it's still important to note:  Spend as much time as you can with the kids because before you know it, they'll be back in school.
