Coming from nothing teaches you that every person, every moment has value. The government is supposed to be by and for the people, not ignore the real working people. With each passing day, more and more people become engaged in the process, they feel real anger and angst about where our government is headed and as they watch the numerous campaign commercials on television, they see that they are being spoon-fed rhetoric that has been sanitized for their protection and all of the candidates are starting to look the same.
They are certainly all saying the same things, aren't they?
It's true, I'm debt-free and I want my children to be debt-free as well. Wouldn't it make sense that as a goal, our government should be debt free? And I don't just mean financially. Some candidates for Congress have amassed a huge debt in running their campaigns for Congress because they consider it an investment in the best job they have ever had. For me, I look at it as a call of duty. A call of duty to remind all of the candidates that they are no better than the people they want to serve and it means that the constituents should not be judged because of their income or what kind of car they drive.
Much has been given this great nation and right now, much is being required. It's time to put aside all this ridiculous rhetoric and look closely at the candidates and see whether or not they have a legitimate record of leadership. Most, unfortunately, do not. They have forgotten their roots, and are now begging for a job. They NEED this job. I don't. I want this opportunity to serve, to move our nation back to where it came from - back to a time when government was held accountable. Now is the time for the Dave White Revolution. Be a part.