As if we didn't already have enough lawyers in Washington, D.C., the federal government again underscores why enough is enough. Today, the Department of Justice has filed suit against Arizona as well as Governor Janice Brewer because of the "controversial" immigration law.
The problem is that right now, there are too darned many lawyers who are eager to get to Washington - regardless of what their campaign push cards tell you.
Arizona found itself in a place much like Oklahoma did a few years ago with HB1804. The federal government has done virtually nothing at all to secure our borders and leaving the fence unfinished to our south has proven to be a laughable endeavor. Since the federal government (which is Constitutionally responsible for immigration) has washed its hands of the problem, the states are left to do whatever necessary to ensure order be established.
Hopefully, the Supreme Court will see quite readily that the states have every right to enforce any law they choose regarding licensing and commerce within their borders.
Here is the problem as I see it: Both parties have proven to be ineffective on the issue of border security. Why? On one hand, the Democrats want the votes and on the other, the Republicans desire cheap labor. It's a no-win situation for the American people who work hard to pay their taxes and contribute while others just stream across the border and take advantage of our weaknesses. We simply cannot afford more of the same. It is estimated to cost the United States taxpayers $300 billion a year and still, nothing is being done.
Right now, in the 5th District of Oklahoma, there are people running for Congress who today have a very different opinion about illegal immigration than they did a few years ago. In my opinion, they stuck their fingers in the air and decided that if they want to garner favor with the voters of the 5th District, they have to begin looking like a hawk on immigration. It is intellectual dishonesty and because the activists within the Republican Party seem to have forgotten from where they have come, candidates are allowed to get away with their flip-flopping that would make even John Kerry appear consistent.
You need an Independent voice in Washington - someone who is independent of the special interest groups of the moment who are continually courting and buying your candidates. You need someone with independent leadership who is a pure fiscal and social conservative who doesn't need someone to write speeches and someone to poll and see what "the people" think is right about an issue.
This problem can be repaired. We just have to have the courage to say "no" to Republicans and Democrats who take their talking points from special interests, talk a lot, but do little.
Come to my meet and greet this weekend and let's talk about it.