Monday, August 2, 2010

The Endorsements That Matter

Candidates today seem to be falling over themselves to get endorsements from this former politician or that former politician or even some salivate at the thought of a former football player (or coach) endorsing their desire to be elected.

It's something that I just don't really understand.

To me, the endorsements of everyday men and women who have something invested in the process, who realize that our nation is better than the people we've elected in the past, are the ones that matter.  I received an endorsement from a gentleman this week and I couldn't be more pleased.  He's not the former Governor of Arkansas, nor was he a football player-turned lobbyist.  He is a good man to his lovely bride and children and is a hard-working blogger.

Steve Long of the Otter Limits Blog fame has endorsed me  in my bid for Congress and I am flattered and honored that he would take the time to sit down, hear the issues and take a stand.

Check out his blog here.