The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different response. And we seem to go through this every couple years, don't we?
I have been paying close attention to many of the television commercials for candidates for Congress as well as other statewide candidates and so far, it's all the same boiler-plate message.
"I'm a conservative."
"I believe in the Constitution."
"The federal government is out of control."
"We have to reduce spending."
It's all the same message, just different mouths moving. As I look at most of these commercials, I ask myself the same question I do every election cycle: Do these people have the stroke to actually do what they say?
The answer? No. They don't. And we've seen the same results every two years. If you're a student of the political process, it doesn't take much to research promises made versus promises fulfilled. And so far, we here in Oklahoma have been promised a lot and delivered little.
You know as well as I do that members of Congress are like a pack of wolves, waiting and watching to see who the "new sheep" are going to be. They do their research, and just like in years past, the sheep we send to Washington arrive with massive debt to special interests and have to start paying back favors the minute they get there. They are easy prey for the political drug dealers in Washington. And it is We The People who suffer.
You see, when I am elected to Congress, the insanity stops. The leadership knows that my resume' is stronger than most in Congress already. I am debt-free, I am a walking example of fiscal conservatism, I am a Navy SEAL and will not be deterred from my mission, my call of duty.
My resume' stands on its own merit. My history of leadership is not contrived, it is real. I am not a career politician, nor has that been my life's dream like some of the other candidates in this race for Congress. This would not be the best job I have ever had when elected to Congress, though it clearly would be for my opponents.
As you're watching the insanity on television, the talking heads of politics telling you what they think you want to hear, remember that we have traveled this road before. These talking heads are cut from the same cloth of the people who got us into this mess to begin with. It's the same breed of politician we saw in 2004, 2006 and 2008. Same message, same inability to do that which they say they desire to and frankly, if they can't accomplish these tasks in their personal lives, what makes them think they can when they get to Congress? Also, remember, there IS a real alternative in this race for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.
You have me. And together, we can make history and stop this insanity once and for all.