As we anticipate the celebration of fatherhood this weekend, I want to share with you what's on my heart as a father to my six children.
First, one of the reasons I am running is that every time I look into the eyes of my children, I realize how horrible their financial future can be. The last twenty years or so, we've elected fundraisers, not leaders to Congress and they have mortgaged the future of this country and left the burden on them to fix our financial disaster. It's just not right and as a father, I am duty-bound to do whatever I can to right the ship of our nation's future.
Second, I believe that as a father, there is no higher calling than we lay down our lives for our kids. We must sacrifice to ensure that our children are raised in an environment that promotes productivity and shuns the "entitlement mentality" in this country - and Republicans and Democrats alike are responsible.
Lastly, we have an opportunity to show our children just as the "greatest generation" did, that there is hope and the status quo is not acceptable. The political system in this country and in this state is terribly damaged but we have the ability to change the course. We have the opportunity right here, right now to show our children that there is a different way to elect leaders - true leaders - to Congress.
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you spend time with your family this weekend. Impress upon them that there is a leader ready to serve the people of Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District without the trappings and bondage of special interest money. We can do this, friends. It just takes leadership and that leadership begins with us.