The Constitution of the United States makes it pretty clear as to what is the proper role of the federal government is to be, but many of our elected members of Congress have seem to forgotten either how to read or believe they are more intelligent than our founders. The most recent example of this is found in the so-called "Safe Teen and Novice Driver Uniform Protection Act." The goal of the bill is noble in and of itself, to reduce teen driving deaths by requiring a national standard for licensing.
But we have seen this from our federal government before, haven't we, my friends? And the aggregate result is nothing like we desired. No Child Left Behind is but one of many examples.
It is true that driving is not a right, but rather a privilege, yet it is clear to me that this is one more example of the government over-stepping its bounds and encroaching upon the rights of states. Right here in Oklahoma , for example, we have already addressed the issue and have a graduated-step process for obtaining a driver's license.
More than likely, passage of this bill will result in a Gotti-esque tactic from the federal government wherein compliance will be mandatory in order to receive much-needed highway dollars for the state of Oklahoma .
We need leaders in Washington , DC , not followers.