Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Democrats Prostitute War Funding Bill

We need real change in Congress, friends. I returned from my trip to KWTV this morning after an interview and checked out the headlines and the following absolutely made my blood boil:
"Democrats add teacher money to war funding bill"

The story reads:
"House Democrats, who are trying to pass a long-stalled war funding bill this week, have attached $10 billion to help local school districts avoid teacher layoffs when schools reopen.
The approximately $70 billion measure is anchored by President Barack Obama's $30 billion request for the troop surge in Afghanistan and contains money for disaster aid accounts, foreign aid and disability benefits for Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange."

Why Oklahoma Republicans aren't outraged by this story is beyond me and simply underscores the reality that we need real, independent leadership in Congress next year. I would have been the first to notify and mobilize citizens of the 5th Congressional District and encouraged them to not only call or e-mail the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation, but to contact everyone in their address book to raise hell over the fact that so-called leadership in Washington is doing nothing to stop this kind of reckless spending.

Appropriations Committee David Obey who finds the efforts of our troops in Afghanistan questionable, is determined to make sure this measure carries with it billions of dollars in taxpayer money to help school boards avoid layoffs. Well, in the private sector, Mr. Obey, you don't take money from critical services and pay another. In my business that I have run for 18 years successfully, if I were to call my accountant and tell him to take from the operating account ledger and put the money into the marketing ledger, he would laugh in my face.

Friends, that is exactly what we should be doing in Washington, but too many Republicans are right now busy running their re-election campaigns or campaigns for other offices to pay attention to the elephant in the room.

As a Navy SEAL and Desert Storm veteran, these kind of shenanigans fly in the face of good government and the whole reason why I raised my right hand and swore an oath. You should be as outraged as I am right now.

Call your members of Congress - if you can find them - and tell them to put a stop immediately to diversion of funds for our war effort to what should be a state and local issue to begin with, namely, education.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Podcast: Get To Know Me More

Just completed a new podcast - an opportunity to get to know me more.  Enjoy!

Get To Know Me More

Supreme Court: Shall Not Be Infringed

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that the framers of the Constitution were right and our right to keep and bear arms "shall not be infringed."  This is a ruling that I completely support and have my whole life, even growing up in the liberal bastion of California.

From the Washington Post:
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the Constitution's "right to keep and bear arms" applies nationwide as a restraint on the ability of the federal, state and local governments to substantially limit its reach.
In doing so, the justices, by a narrow 5-4 margin, signaled that less severe restrictions could survive legal challenges.
Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the court, said the Second Amendment right "applies equally to the federal government and the states."
The court was split along familiar ideological lines, with five conservative-moderate justices in favor of gun rights and the four liberals, opposed.
Two years ago, the court declared that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess guns, at least for purposes of self-defense in the home.
That ruling applied only to federal laws. It struck down a ban on handguns and a trigger lock requirement for other guns in the District of Columbia, a federal city with a unique legal standing. At the same time, the court was careful not to cast doubt on other regulations of firearms here.
Read the whole of the Washington Post story here.
As a gun owner, a supporter of the right to keep and bear arms, I invite you to celebrate this incredible victory, affirming that which our founding fathers intended for us.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rove, Beck and the Edmond Sun

My incredible wife, Lisa and I headed downtown to take part in the "Take Our Country Back" tour featuring Glenn Beck and Karl Rove and I have to say, I was exceptionally delighted.  First, spending time out and about with my wife is always a blessing, but secondly, we had a monumental time.

Glenn Beck was moving, entertaining as usual - as was all of the campaign booths set up outside.  But I must say, Karl Rove was incredible.  Rove spent the vast majority of his time talking about how important and intense Navy SEALs are.  He shared a story about a friend of his and to be honest, it was very similar to many of the stories I could share with you as well.

Perhaps, someday I will.

The event was exceptional and we thank News Radio 1000 KTOK for putting on the event.

In addition, I read a very kind and very informative article in the Edmond Sun today written by James Coburn and yes, it was about my candidacy and my position on the national debt.

Read the story for yourself here!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Interview with KTOK's Reid Mullins

A special thanks to KTOK's Reid Mullins for having me on his show this morning.  Reid asked some good, hard questions and it was very refreshing.  Again, thank you.

June 25 Interview with Reid Mullins

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Getting To Know Me...

Had a great session filming and put together a video for you to consider.  I wanted something that covered my history, my record of leadership, my education, my military career and business experience.  In addition, you will see some of my views on current issues that I feel need addressing as soon as I get to Washington.

For me, this election is all about real, experienced leadership that isn't lip service.  When you watch this video, you'll see exactly why I am different from all the other candidates running for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.


The GOP Used To Be "Independent"

For those of us over the age of 40, we can remember the days of Ronald Reagan and how it seemed as though the Republican party was on track to do great things.  It took a while to gain control of Congress, but unfortunately, the Republican party had forgotten one of Ronald Reagan's greatest quotes:

"Government is not the solution to our problems.  Government IS the problem."

The idea that a small oligarchy was to control the vast majority of the message, the direction and the candidates of the Republican party at one time in our history was considered ludicrous.  Today, however, we have forgotten Reagan's words and more and more Republicans leave High School with the dream of being part of the government, looking for work on the taxpayer dime. 

That isn't what Reagan intended, it's not what our founding fathers intended, but it is part of the reason we have the problems we do today.

I've been invited to speak frequently to very diverse groups of men and women who all have one thing in common:  They are sick and tired of the status quo that has been spoon-fed to voters over the last decade.  I was recently told that "unless you run as a Republican, you have no chance of winning your race for Congress."  I smiled, realizing that those who believe that are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem.

The Republican party used to believe in competition, trumpeting the cause of free market systems but apparently in politics, some in the Republican party would prefer the status quo.  An Independent conservative with a record of success, a record of proven leadership scares the hell out of some people in the establishment because they know that I can speak the truth without fear of reprisal.  They know that I am running for this post because the people of the 5th Congressional District need representation that isn't owned and operated by special interest money or a small oligarchy.

Another question that arises is whether or not my candidacy could potentially get a Democrat elected because I take votes from Republicans.  Again, balderdash.  My candidacy appeals to Blue Dog Democrats who are fiscal and social conservatives, who believe in the 2nd Amendment and support our Constitution yet are generational Democrats.  In addition, my candidacy appeals to both conservative and moderate Republicans who desire real change from real leadership who has the record to back his/her rhetoric.

Think about it:  When you compare my record of service, my record of success in the private sector and my degree in economics from the Naval Academy to that of my opponents, which of the candidates running right now have the ability to stand up to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and the hardcore liberal elites?  Will a lawyer who owes favors to special interests?  Will a career politician with no tangible real world experience?  I'm a Navy SEAL and Desert Storm veteran - Washington elitists don't intimidate me.  Special interests don't intimidate me and neither does their money.

Someone brought up the race between Gary Richardson, Brad Henry and Steve Largent as an example of how "dangerous" my candidacy is to the Republican establishment.  First off, I am not Gary Richardson - I am not a trial lawyer.  Secondly, while I admire the efforts of a professional football player-turned Congressman, when a reporter sticks his microphone in my face, I can handle it.  Thirdly, Brad Henry ran as a conservative Democrat, but when push came to shove, it was clear that he was not what he said he was and he was and is little more than a career politician just like others running in the 5th District right now.

Let's review:
  • I am not Gary Richardson, a trial lawyer. 
  • I am a proven leader with a record to back it up.
  • I am not a career politician.
  • My record of service was not contrived so I could run for office.
  • Republicans who remember Ronald Reagan's warnings will support my candidacy.
  • Conservative Blue Dog Democrats will support my candidacy because I am not bought and paid for by the GOP oligarchy.
  • I am not beholden to any special interest except my God, my family, my country and my brothers and sisters in the 5th Congressional District.
The people of Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District are in for a welcomed surprise.  They will see in me that which they see in themselves - the desire and ability to change how we elect members of Congress, to elect someone to Congress who knows the problems we face and has the solutions to those problems.  They will see that we in Central Oklahoma will once again be the model for other campaigns across the nation.  They will see in me a reasoned, focused leader who knows that this is not the best job I will ever have, but a job that needs to be done by someone who started with nothing, but through determination and belief in the American dream has become successful.

To be sure, there are members of both parties who truly desire to do the right thing.  They are working hard to improve our quality of life, to see Oklahoma live up to its potential.  I see that.  I know that.  On November 2nd, the people of Oklahoma have the opportunity to snatch control of their government back from the grips of special interest.  I humbly ask for your vote to do just that.

I leave you with this to ponder...words from Ronald Reagan.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Campaign Kick Off Success!

A special thanks to all my friends and a bunch of new friends who stopped by my Campaign Kick Off Party.  The celebration was amazing and the support, phenomenal.  Here are a few of the videos from the event:

Share with your friends!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Listen To Dave White Podcasts

We have posted a couple podcasts on my Dave White 2010 website, but I thought I would make them available for you to listen to right here on my blog.  Enjoy!

Federal Driver Licensing Mandates
Dave White First Podcast

Lisa's First Podcast

Here is the link to Lisa's first podcast. Lisa is an amazing woman and I am blessed to call her my wife.  Lisa was with me through my time at the Naval Academy, believed in my when I survived Navy SEAL training, believed and prayed for me when I went to war in Desert Storm and believed in me when I had the crazy idea for a new business - a business that has been successful for 18 years.

You see, Lisa is a leader too. She has been an Air Force officer, and is today a nurse anesthetist.  When Lisa speaks, people listen.  And you should too!

Listen to the melodious tones of my gorgeous and loving wife, Lisa.  Click here.

Lisa White 1

Campaign Kick Off Conclusion

Some friends, family and supporters.  This campaign isn't about special interests - it's about the real people of Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.

Campaign Kick Off Video Part 2

In this video, I discuss securing the borders, the condition of campaigns right now in America and more.


Campaign Kick Off Video, Part 1

A special thank-you to all who attended my first campaign kick-off get together.  We had a spectacular time and though it was not a fundraiser, some people actually contributed to my campaign.

Here is the first of three videos.  Let me know what you think!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Father's Day Blessings

As we anticipate the celebration of fatherhood this weekend, I want to share with you what's on my heart as a father to my six children.

First, one of the reasons I am running is that every time I look into the eyes of my children, I realize how horrible their financial future can be.  The last twenty years or so, we've elected fundraisers, not leaders to Congress and they have mortgaged the future of this country and left the burden on them to fix our financial disaster.  It's just not right and as a father, I am duty-bound to do whatever I can to right the ship of our nation's future.

Second, I believe that as a father, there is no higher calling than we lay down our lives for our kids.  We must sacrifice to ensure that our children are raised in an environment that promotes productivity and shuns the "entitlement mentality" in this country - and Republicans and Democrats alike are responsible.

Lastly, we have an opportunity to show our children just as the "greatest generation" did, that there is hope and the status quo is not acceptable.  The political system in this country and in this state is terribly damaged but we have the ability to change the course.  We have the opportunity right here, right now to show our children that there is a different way to elect leaders - true leaders - to Congress. 

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you spend time with your family this weekend.  Impress upon them that there is a leader ready to serve the people of Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District without the trappings and bondage of special interest money.  We can do this, friends.  It just takes leadership and that leadership begins with us.


Monday, June 14, 2010

What is YOUR definition of insanity?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different response.  And we seem to go through this every couple years, don't we?

I have been paying close attention to many of the television commercials for candidates for Congress as well as other statewide candidates and so far, it's all the same boiler-plate message.

"I'm a conservative."
"I believe in the Constitution."
"The federal government is out of control."
"We have to reduce spending."

It's all the same message, just different mouths moving.  As I look at most of these commercials, I ask myself the same question I do every election cycle:  Do these people have the stroke to actually do what they say?

The answer?  No.  They don't.  And we've seen the same results every two years.  If you're a student of the political process, it doesn't take much to research promises made versus promises fulfilled.  And so far, we here in Oklahoma have been promised a lot and delivered little. 

You know as well as I do that members of Congress are like a pack of wolves, waiting and watching to see who the "new sheep" are going to be.  They do their research, and just like in years past, the sheep we send to Washington arrive with massive debt to special interests and have to start paying back favors the minute they get there.  They are easy prey for the political drug dealers in Washington.  And it is We The People who suffer.

You see, when I am elected to Congress, the insanity stops.  The leadership knows that my resume' is stronger than most in Congress already.  I am debt-free, I am a walking example of fiscal conservatism, I am a Navy SEAL and will not be deterred from my mission, my call of duty.

My resume' stands on its own merit.  My history of leadership is not contrived, it is real.  I am not a career politician, nor has that been my life's dream like some of the other candidates in this race for Congress.  This would not be the best job I have ever had when elected to Congress, though it clearly would be for my opponents.

As you're watching the insanity on television, the talking heads of politics telling you what they think you want to hear, remember that we have traveled this road before.  These talking heads are cut from the same cloth of the people who got us into this mess to begin with.  It's the same breed of politician we saw in 2004, 2006 and 2008.  Same message, same inability to do that which they say they desire to and frankly, if they can't accomplish these tasks in their personal lives, what makes them think they can when they get to Congress?  Also, remember, there IS a real alternative in this race for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.

You have me.  And together, we can make history and stop this insanity once and for all. 


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Edmond Sun Article, June 11

Thanks to the Edmond Sun for writing an incredible article about me and my candidacy for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.  Here is a snippet:

Congress is full of “fundraisers” who are scared to take a stand on any issue until disaster is upon them, said Dave White, an Independent candidate for the U.S. Congress, 5th District of Oklahoma.

“They see these problems that are coming way off in the distance. Yet nobody has the backbone to be fixing those things until the disaster is upon us,” said White, a 1987 Naval Academy graduate with a degree in economics who served his country as a Navy SEAL officer.
 Read the whole story here.

Energy Leadership Missing in Action

The BP oil spill has hit the headlines with great fervor and ferociousness, but it appears as though members of Congress just aren't sure how to handle it.  Why?  because we lack real, experienced leadership in Congress.

On one hand, members of Congress and many candidates for Congress are nervous about speaking the truth out loud about the problem because there is hand-wringing about the possibility of losing campaign contributions from the energy sector.  On the other hand, the environmentalist extremists are ranting and raving about shutting down all oil and natural gas exploration and members of Congress who are bought and paid for by the Greenpeace types are ducking for cover.

Where is the leadership?  Oil is still spewing from the Deepwater Horizon and even Matt Simmons, Texas banker and oil industry expert has said that "There isn't enough money in the world to clean up the Gulf.  Once BP realizes the extent of this, my guess is that they'll panic and go into Chapter 11."  There is already over 6,000 state and federal lawsuits filed against BP and with each passing day, the reports are that the number increases.

This is a national disaster and members of Congress need to realize that eventually, the markets are going to respond and if BP files Chapter 11, we will be increasingly beholden to OPEC for crude oil imports.   And let there be no mistake - OPEC is not our friend.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has given a number of interviews about the problems but has shown no leadership whatsoever.  Watching her vacillate back and forth makes me wonder why so many are intimidated by her.  I am a Navy SEAL.  There is no one in Congress who intimidates me.

So, what is the solution?

First, members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee must convene an emergency meeting immediately and call energy experts, biologists, geologists and engineers together and put together a "96 hour plan."  In other words, identify resources to stop the disaster within a 96 hour time frame.

Second, the long term financial cost of this disaster will be billions and billions of dollars.  Already, the ridiculous standards of the EPA has deterred clean up, limiting the materials used to absorb the crude oil.  It's time to stop the EPA from tying the hands of engineers trying to do their job.  The short term cost will be worth the long term economic disaster of the world's 4th largest company filing Chapter 11.

Third, we have to plan for the future.  We have got to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and maximize the use of our natural resources right here in this great country.  Yes, and that includes offshore exploration as well...and we need the energy sector to ensure safety measures and regulatory environments are much like those we have in the great state of Oklahoma.

Now is the time for us to fix the problem with the BP oil spill and do so with an eye toward the future.  We need a diversified energy portfolio that utilizes one of Oklahoma's great resources, natural gas.  We need leadership in Congress who is not in the hip pocket of any energy producer who will stand up and demand that we use all sources of American energy available to ensure our dependence upon foreign oil goes away or is greatly reduced.

That includes wind energy, solar power, nuclear power, natural gas, clean coal technology, and crude oil exploration in ANWR, utilization of amazing technologies to extract natural gas from shale formations and finally, cellulosic ethanol.  And we can do it without government subsidies.  We simply create a regulatory environment wherein there is a balance between environmental concerns and energy production.

With real leadership, we can accomplish this task.  I am that leader.  I have received no PAC money from any group, nor will I.  When you elect me to Congress in November, you will be electing a man to Congress who understands fully that our nation's energy policy is a matter of national security.  National security trumps special interests in my book, and that will never change.  While some of the candidates in the 5th District are scrambling to garner more and more PAC money and more and more endorsements from a myriad of special interests, I am gathering support from the only "special interest" that really matters - voters in the 5th District.

Energy policy IS a matter of national security.  Average Oklahomans understand this, why can't candidates for public office understand this?  Well, I "get it."  And when I get to Washington, so will the rest of Congress.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's Official - I'm In

Accompanied by my incredible wife (Lisa) and youngest son (Michael), I headed to the state capitol today and filed my candidacy for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District.  While there, my wife and I took a brief tour to show Michael where legislators meet and it was incredible to see his eyes light up.  Though only six, political discussions in the White household are not unusual and like many of you, I don't candy-coat the issues of importance to my children.  They deserve to know the truth and right now, the truth is that Congress has failed to serve the American people and the people of Oklahoma adequately.

This is why I am running for Congress.

Many of the people I met at the capitol were extremely warm and welcoming, including Ms. Hughes from the Ethics Commission, Michael McNutt from The Oklahoman, Jacqueline Scott from KTOK and Sean Murphy from the Associated Press.  They asked some hard questions and I could see their eyes light up when they learned that I do not shy away from tough questions, but rather face them head-on.

They asked about me running as an Independent and whether or not it creates a place where the Democratic candidate would slide in.  I told them, without hesitation, NO.  This isn't the Brad Henry/Gary Richardson/Steve Largent race.  I put my conservative credentials up against any candidate running for public office in the state of Oklahoma and my long record of proven leadership underscores the credibility of my candidacy for Congress.  I have no political axe to grind, I simply have what I consider to be a "call of duty" wherein the time has come for the people of Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District to wrest back the control of their Congressional District from the consultants and special interests who are looking for a puppet.

I am certainly not a puppet.  I am a proven leader who will not buckle under pressure.  I'm a Navy SEAL.  We don't back down and we don't buckle under pressure.  We do what we say we will do and when I tell you that I am the most consistently conservative candidate running right now, I mean it and my long record of successful, proven leadership stands on its own merit.

We are putting together a team of men and women from all over the 5th Congressional District who represent all walks of life and who desire to send someone to Congress who serves the whole of the District, not just the elite special interests.

When asked, I explained that I have been a Republican all my life and like most voters, have come to see the Republican party become something other than what it once was.  The Republican party is supposed to be the party of smaller, less intrusive government, but if you look at the record of many elected officials in the state of Oklahoma who have claimed to be Republican you find something rather startling:  They have consistently grown the tentacles of government into the lives of Oklahomans.  And there are some of them who are now seeking higher office.  It disgusts me.

Members of the media aren't the enemy in my estimation.  They are men and women who are trying to do a job, trying to find something "different" during the political campaign season that is filled to overflowing with canned messages, produced by the same group of consultants every couple years.  Make no mistake:  I am running my campaign, I make the decisions.  I do have people helping me with my campaign, but the proverbial "buck stops here" with me.  The people of Oklahoma just deserve more, they deserve leadership that is visionary and not fabricated or enhanced with special effects that would make even Spielberg blush.

As we walked away from the 5th floor at the capitol, my wife hugged me and smiled.  My son held my hand and we talked about the questions.  My wife reminded me that I had answered the question about political involvement incorrectly - I had stated that I ran, and won my race for Class President at the Naval Academy.  She reminded me that while a Navy SEAL, not only had I served in Desert Storm, but upon return, had spent quite a bit of time working at the Pentagon.  I smiled.  She's right - as always.

If you're ready to get involved in changing how we elect members of Congress, I invite you to be a part of this new revolution to take back our government.  Send me an email here.  Tell me how you'd like to help - you can contribute the maximum $100 (a self-imposed limit), you can volunteer to knock doors with me, you can host a small meet-and-greet in your home or you can simply tell your friends about the candidate with real leadership experience.

I will fight to reduce the corporate tax burden from 35% to more closely match our international competitors.

I will fight against nationalized healthcare and will fight to repeal "Obamacare."

I will fight to ensure our men and women in uniform are compensated and cared for as Patriots.

I will be a fighter to reduce federal government spending.  I refuse to saddle our children with debt that we can work to reduce in the here and now.

I will fight to create an environment that is productive to create jobs - the government does not create private sector jobs, but as a successful business owner, I know that small businesses must thrive for our nation to thrive.  I will fight to reduce the federal government burden on small businesses including taxes, unecessary regulation and red tape.

I will fight for border security.  By creating secure borders, we save our nation billions of dollars every year and dramatically reduce the problem of illegal immigration.

I will fight for American energy independence.  I believe in a diversified, American energy portfolio that reduces our horrific dependence upon foreign oil by using Oklahoma's natural resources as an example for the rest of the country.

If you want to see more about my policies, my positions on Israel, war, gun rights, education and even the death penalty, I challenge you to go to my website (here) and see what I'm all about.

We can't afford to sit on the sidelines in this election for Congress, vote the party line, cross our fingers and HOPE the individual elected does what he says he will.  By voting for me, you don't have to cross your fingers, you'll rest assured that you have a representative in Congress who has heard the call of duty and will make things happen.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Helen Thomas Should Retire

"Jews should get the hell out of Palestine and go back home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else."  Those were the words of Helen Thomas, the 89-year-old Hearst newspaper icon and White House press corps icon.

I have a few words for Helen:  "It's time for you to retire, and though you apologized, your attitude is indicative of the elite press corps."

Israel deserves the support of the United States and the majority of Americans understand the plight of the Jewish people who live under constant threat of terrorism from their neighbors.  Whether it be Iran, the former leadership in Iraq, Hamas, the Taliban or even Al-Qaeda, the Jewish people in Israel have had to fight off the hordes of malcontents throughout history and commentary such as that of Thomas does nothing but feed the fire of terrorism in the Middle East.

One would think that Thomas would remember the horrors of the Nazi regime, the death camps, the mass graves, the attempted genocide.  Unfortunately, her insensitivity and deplorable comments proves that we need real leadership to stand up to tyranny, to terrorism and to confront those who make such outlandish statements against Israel.  The president has embraced Thomas and has heretofore left our Israeli allies wondering just where we stand.

I believe in free speech.  I believe Thomas has every right to say whatever she feels whenever she feels.  But I also believe that those of us who understand the importance of our relationship with Israel should band together and condemn Thomas for her ludicrous comments.

There should be no question whatsoever that this great country supports Israel.  Period.  I have always supported Israel and I make these statements as a former Navy SEAL Officer who served in Desert Storm, not as someone who is looking for a job in our nation's capitol.  I speak as someone with a long history of leadership in the private sector as well as in the world's most elite military organization - the Navy SEALs.  I've seen some of the worst of the worst and Thomas' comments should be condemned by every member of Congress as well as the president himself. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Federal Government Wastes More Time

The Constitution of the United States makes it pretty clear as to what is the proper role of the federal government is to be, but many of our elected members of Congress have seem to forgotten either how to read or believe they are more intelligent than our founders.  The most recent example of this is found in the so-called "Safe Teen and Novice Driver Uniform Protection Act."  The goal of the bill is noble in and of itself, to reduce teen driving deaths by requiring a national standard for licensing.

But we have seen this from our federal government before, haven't we, my friends?  And the aggregate result is nothing like we desired.  No Child Left Behind is but one of many examples.

It is true that driving is not a right, but rather a privilege, yet it is clear to me that this is one more example of the government over-stepping its bounds and encroaching upon the rights of states.  Right here in Oklahoma, for example, we have already addressed the issue and have a graduated-step process for obtaining a driver's license. 

More than likely, passage of this bill will result in a Gotti-esque tactic from the federal government wherein compliance will be mandatory in order to receive much-needed highway dollars for the state of Oklahoma.

We need leaders in Washington, DC, not followers.