The most important issue facing our state and our nation is jobs. Job creation is critical to Oklahoma and the nation as we climb out of the economic recession. Government alone cannot cure our economic challenges. The entrepreneurial spirit of American business owners, and particularly small business owners, must provide the hope for our economic future.
As a small business owner, I believe in the entrepreneurial spirit of America. I will work to create incentives for businesses through tax cuts, increased access to capital and free market approaches. Reasonable economic incentives that liberate American business from burdensome government regulation enable companies and small businesses to grow. I will work to expand opportunities for new and existing businesses.
Making these changes, creating the environments of business productivity must be done by a proven leader who understands how to accomplish this task. Talking about it in the abstract will solve nothing. You need proven, experienced, conservative leadership to bring real change for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District. I am that leader.