I am unequivocally pro-life and pro-marriage. I believe life begins at conception and that every child, born or unborn, has an inalienable right to that life. My goal is to help eliminate the tragedy of abortion, to encourage alternatives like adoption and to foster a culture that respects the most vulnerable among us.
In Congress, I will be a member of the Pro Life Caucus and the Values Action Team to limit abortion and remove funding for foreign organizations that promote abortion as a means of family planning. I will consistently oppose the use of taxpayer money to fund abortion either here or abroad, and I will shine a light on the horrible practice of forced abortion in foreign countries like China.
With regard to stem cell research, the destruction of human life, even in the name of some “greater good”, is absolutely unacceptable. I champion the efforts of Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) to concentrate on pluripotent stem cell research which utilizes embryonic-like adult stem cells.
I am pro-marriage and support protecting marriage from those who seek to redefine it to suit a narrow political agenda. I know that defending marriage, and ensuring its survival as the fundamental building block of society, is a critical task.