Senator Tom Coburn and Senator John McCain have proposed government cuts to help pay for our war efforts. This from RTT News:
Senators Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and John McCain, R-Ariz., unveiled two amendments Tuesday to pay for the supplemental spending bill that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One of the amendments saves taxpayers $60.3 billion by cutting the budgets of members of Congress, disposing of excess and unused government property, auctioning and selling unused and unneeded equipment, and rescinding unspent and uncommitted federal funds. The second amendment saves $59.6 billion by freezing raises, bonuses and salary increases for federal employees for one year, collecting unpaid taxes from federal employees, reducing excessive duplication, overhead and spending within the federal government, and eliminating non-essential government travel.
Read the story here.
When you elect me to Congress for Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District, you'll find that Senator Coburn has a new friend in the House of Representatives. I support our troops and their efforts should be fully funded and government as a whole has to tighten its belt to pay for our support for the troops.